Tuesday 21 June 2016

You should start a...

blog. Were the words of my esteemed significant other (http://mikethulhu.blogspot.co.uk/) as I yet again bemoaned the state of my art. 'Get a blog, and then you have a reason to draw.' 
A reason to draw, grin. Speaking as a girl who likes to draw her characters, and who has many many characters to draw... I like to dabble with a pencil every so often. But... there gets a point where dabbling is okay, but I'd like to actually improve- to get my art out there for the (very small) world to see. Easier said than done for a girl with a full time job and a special needs child- no wonder I'm geeky, dammit, I need the escapism.
So, after umming and ahhing, and being unsure as to what sort of blog I would have, I decided to take the plunge. As my description says, I'm inviting you guys to take a look into my slightly crazy life- and getting brave enough to put my art out there. 
Hopefully, you'll find something here to keep you reading. Whether it's the cute pastel princess clothes, the characters and world building, or the anecdotes about living with a four year old with autism. Either way, you're welcome here.

As for the art? This is Vetta, she's a Dark Heresy (Fantasy Flight/ Games Workshop) character- a perky tech adept who's ready to take on the grim dark far future. And she's pretty happy to be here.